Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Is Battlefield Bad Company 2 really that worth it?

I played the demo of the first Battlefield Bad Company and i didn't really like it. I'm trying to decide to get this game, bioshock 2, or skate 3? Please help?Is Battlefield Bad Company 2 really that worth it?
Bad Company 2 made some MAJOR improvements over the first one. Look it up. Just because you didn't like the first does NOT mean you won't like the second. Plus, was the demo just single player? The multiplayer is what's the most amazing about Battlefield games, but even the single player is COMPLETELY different than the first one. Personally, I absolutely love Battlefield Bad Company 2. I've never played either of those other 2 games though.Is Battlefield Bad Company 2 really that worth it?
Bioshock 2 (only if you played bioshock 1)

I'm not saying don't get Bioshock 2 unless you have Bioshock 1,I'm saying,you will only like Bioshock 2 more than these others IF you played Bioshock 1...if there was not any other option,then yes,get Bioshock 2 either way if you played BS1 or not.

Hope I am clear xDIs Battlefield Bad Company 2 really that worth it?
If you didn't like the demo you probably wouldn't like the game itself, if you like RPG's that are similar to fallout 3 then Bioshock is definately for you, if you like skate stunts, races or even just roaming around the parks, then skate 3 is the game you want.

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